Description: Jumping the wake toeside and rotating the board 180 degrees.
It is much easier to learn a wake 180 toeside than it is to learn it heelside. This may sound crazy, but you will understand when you try it. When you're cutting toeside, you really load your back arm with tension. So, when you leave the wake, the tension from your back arm will naturally rotate your body and board, which will make the 180 much easier.
How to perform this trick: Edge outside the wake 10 to 15 feet, turn slowly and cut into the wake with a medium edge. It is important to be strong and hold the handle low, while keeping your chest closed to the boat. Hold that position and rise all the way to the top of the wake. When you leave the wake, you will feel the tension on your back arm and the boat will naturally want to spin you; this is when you can ignite the 180. In the air, take the handle from your leading hip and pull it across your body to your other hip. This will rotate your body and board 180 degrees. On your landing, use your knees as shock absorbers and maintain your momentum moving in the direction that your board is traveling.