Grabs — all of them — should be first learned with either a Heelside or Toeside Wake Jump. Due to the nature of each grab — whether you are grabbing the board with your front hand or back hand — the direction in which you will approach the wake will be determined. The degree of difficulty for each grab depends upon where and how you grab the board. The most important aspect of all grabs is that you concentrate solely on the wake jump before you initiate the grab. Be sure you take the wake jump to its maximum height before you reach for the board. If you start to grab the board too soon, it will throw you off axis. Be patient and wait until the board has completely left the wake before you think about grabbing it. Once you have mastered a grab, wake-to-wake or into the flats, you can — and should — try to incorporate them into your spins, rolls and flips. This is what will really add style to your riding.