Description: Sliding sideways on your toeside edge in the flats (creating a wall of spray).
his trick is best performed with lots of speed while coming off your heelside edge. If you are right foot forward, you will start in the trough on the right side of the wake (or vice versa if you are left foot forward).
How to perform this trick: Edge away from the wake aggressively on your heelside edge. Then, initiate the slide when you're at maximum speed. You should be approximately 30-40 feet out in the flats. Be careful not to edge out too wide because you'll start to lose speed. To initiate the slide, think of doing an extremely hard carve and transfer your weight from your heelside edge to your toeside edge. At the same time, let go with your back hand and point it down, back toward where you just came from. This will help prevent you from catching your heelside edge and should help you release your fins and rotate your board 90 degrees. You should then be able to easily slide on your toeside edge. The most important key to the Power Slide is committing to the trick. If you don't, you'll catch your heelside edge. The more pressure you apply to your toeside edge when you're sliding, the larger your spray will be. Have fun and stay away from the fishermen!