Monday, July 30, 2007

Trick: Toeside Front Roll

Description: Edging in toeside and rolling forward.
It is strongly advised that you learn a Tantrum before you learn this trick. The Tantrum is easier and will give you an understanding of how the Front Roll works. It is the same trick except on a Tantrum, you edge in heelside, and with a Toeside Front Roll, you edge in toeside.

How to perform this trick: Start by edging out half the distance that you would on a Tantrum (15 to 20 feet). Turn slowly and cut into the wake with a medium to hard edge. Then, at the base of the wake, start to rise and change your edge from your toes to your heels. Like the Tantrum, changing your edge will give you your rotation (ability to flip). At the peak of the wake, throw your head down and between your legs. This will ensure that your body is moving in the right direction, and will help you compact your body to make it easier to roll. At the same time that you're throwing your head down, let go with your back hand. This will allow you to land in the same position as your take off. At this point, all you have to do is spot your landing. Remember to keep the tip of the board pointing in the direction that you are traveling. If you find yourself coming up short on your rotation and landing on your rear, it means one of two things. You're either edging through the wakes and not changing your edge, or your edge change is too slow. Don't forget, the faster you change your edge, the faster you will flip.