Description: Jumping the wake heelside and rotating the board 180 degrees.
The Heelside 180 is a little more difficult than the Toeside 180. When you're edging toeside, there is a lot of tension on your back arm, which makes it very easy to spin. When you're edging heelside, you don't have the same tension on your arm to help you spin. Therefore, you're the one who has to make it happen.
How to perform this trick: Start off by jumping the wakes a few times to remind yourself how it feels. Then go ahead and attempt the 180. The approach and take off to this trick is exactly the same as the Wake Jump, so don't change a thing. When you leave the wake and are at the highest point of the trick, initiate the 180 by rotating your board and pulling the handle to your back hip. This should give you the 180 degrees you're looking for. When you land, it is important to fully complete your rotation and to keep the tip of your board pointing in the direction that you're traveling. If you find yourself slipping out, it simply means you're either under-rotating the 180, or you are landing with your back falling into the wake. Visualize your chest falling toward the shore (away from the wake). Remember to use your knees to absorb the landing and you shouldn't have any problems landing this trick.