Thursday, August 2, 2007

Trick: Scarecrow

Description: A laid out toeside Front Roll with 180-degrees rotation.

How to perform this trick: It is very important to have a strong toeside edge with your weight evenly distributed on both feet as you approach the wake. The Scarecrow requires more speed than most rolls do, so be sure to edge out wide. Turn slowly and aim your front hip at the wake so that you are able to build on your edge. The most common mistake on the Scarecrow is aiming your front hip at the boat and twisting at your waist. If you do this, it will take the weight off your front foot and prohibit you from having a good, strong edge. Timing is a key element with this trick since you will be approaching the wakes with lots of speed. At the base of the wake you must rise, in order to give yourself maximum lift. As you start to rise, ease off your edge and let the boat pull you forward into the trick. At the same time, throw your back shoulder down and into the second wake. This will help ensure that your body position is correct. Keep your arms straight throughout this trick to give you a quicker snap (rotation) off the top of the wake. At this point, hang on to the handle with two hands and let the boat do the rest of the work. The tension from the rope should pull you around and allow you to complete the Scarecrow. When you come down out of the trick, you should be able to spot and prepare yourself for the landing. On your landing, use your knees and continue to edge out.